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Inicio / BIBLIOGRAFIA / Immediate effects of active exercise with compression therapy on lower-limb lymphedema

Immediate effects of active exercise with compression therapy on lower-limb lymphedema

Purpose Active exercise with compression therapy (AECT) is a standard treatment for gynecological cancer-related lowerlimb lymphedema (LLL) in clinical situations. However, there
is insufficient evidence regarding the immediate effects of the use of AECT on LLL. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the immediate effects of AECT on LLL.
Methods Participants in this randomized controlled crossover trial comprised 23 women with LLL who completed highload AECT, low-load AECT, and compression-only therapy
(CT). AECTwas performed on a bicycle ergometer with short stretch bandages. Each intervention was performed for 15 min, with successive interventions separated by a 1-week
washout period. Lower-limb volume was assessed using a Perometer™ sensor (Pero-system, Wuppertal, Germany).

General symptoms (pain and heaviness) and skin symptoms (pitting and stiffness) were assessed using a visual analog scale and palpation, respectively. Measurements were taken
before and after each intervention. Analysis of variance using linear mixed-effect modeling was used for statistical analyses.

Support Care Cancer (2017) 25:2603–2610

Takuya Fukushima, Tetsuya Tsuji,  Yufuko Sano et al

Sobre Aritz Monasterio

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