sábado , 27 julio 2024
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Inicio / Histórico Etiquetas: Delta variant

Histórico Etiquetas: Delta variant

The evidence of the role of vaccines in reducing the risk of ICU and death is reinforced

Each and every one of the vaccines against Covid-19 that are currently being inoculated have demonstrated their safety and efficacy in preventing severe disease and, therefore, contribute significantly to reducing the risk of hospital admission, ICU and death from Covid-19. A benefit that has not only been demonstrated in clinical trials involving tens of thousands of volunteers around the world, but ...

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Delta variant: Israel reveals that Pfizer’s vaccine is not 94% effective, but 64%

The Israeli Ministry of Health has published a study indicating that the effectiveness of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine against COVID-19 does not protect as much against the Delta variant as had been confirmed at first. While research by Public Health Egnland (PHE) had found that the Pfizer vaccine prevented 96% of hospitalizations and 88% the development of ...

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