sábado , 27 julio 2024
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Inicio / Histórico Etiquetas: Delta

Histórico Etiquetas: Delta

Los infectados por Ómicron pueden reinfectarse con la “variante silenciosa” (linaje BA.2)

Actualmente la variante Ómicron (B.1.1.529, detectada originalmente en Sudáfrica) es la dominante en España tras desplazar a su predecesora, Delta (B.1.617.2, detectada originalmente en India), en diciembre de 2021. Esta variante presenta un alto número de mutaciones, algunas de las cuales estaban presentes en variantes ya detectadas previamente y varias que se han relacionado con un aumento de ...

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What do we know about the mortality rate of the Delta variant?

The Delta variant of SARS-CoV-2 (B.1.617.2, originally detected in India) is between 40-60% more transmissible than the Alpha variant (B.1.1.7, originally detected in the UK), and is it is also associated with an increased risk of hospitalization . Scientific evidence suggests that people infected with this variant have a higher viral load and that it requires a shorter ...

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Two independent studies reveal Moderna to be more effective against Delta than Pfizer

Moderna would be more effective than Pfizer against the Delta variant. While both sera protect against Covid-19, two independent studies have shown that US serum is more effective against the predominant variant , known as Delta or Indian , than Pfizer BioNTech’s vaccine. The first study, published in medRxiv analyzed over 50,000 patients from the Mayo Clinic and ...

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