sábado , 27 julio 2024
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Inicio / FISIOTERAPIA / CONSEJOS SOBRE SALUD / The Covid-19 vaccine in pregnant women is safe and effective: «A 2×1 that protects the mother and the baby»

The Covid-19 vaccine in pregnant women is safe and effective: «A 2×1 that protects the mother and the baby»

A few days ago, both the Minister of Health, Carolina Darias , and the Andalusian Health Minister, Jesús Aguirre , among others, called on pregnant women to be vaccinated against Covid-19 due to the increase in the number of hospital admissions due to coronavirus reported among these women.

ConSalud.es has spoken with the coordinator of the Research Unit of the IHP group and an expert in vaccines, Dr. Ignacio Salamanca , who wanted to highlight the importance of future moms getting vaccinated «as soon as possible».

The doctor has pointed out that the increase in pregnant women admitted by Covid-19 could be due to the fact that «the first months and for a long time, the ICUs have been full, mainly, of elderly and at risk people» and yet now, » the circulation of the virus is concentrated in young people and that is where pregnant women enter ”.

The Seville IHP is one of the centers that is participating in the vaccine trial in pregnant women . The objective, Salamanca reports, is to verify the efficacy of the serum against Covid-19 by monitoring the pregnancy, delivery and the health of the newborn. «There are preliminary data that indicate that there is a transfer of transplacental antibodies from the mother to the fetus. It also occurs in other vaccines and now we want to ratify and quantify it,» adds the doctor. This transfer of antibodies would be greater the more advanced the gestation is.

Dr. Salamanca insists that pregnant women should be vaccinated «as soon as possible and regardless of the week of gestation, without speculation about which would be the best date «, to guarantee both their health and that of their baby. There have been mothers who have wondered what would be the best week to get vaccinated and thus transmit the antibodies to your child.

“Avoiding speculation is essential. They should be vaccinated in any week of gestation and not delay it ”, he continues. The impact of Covid-19 on the pregnant woman or the baby is not known with certainty , but what has been shown is that contracting Covid-19 during pregnancy increases the risk of complications.

“Waiting for the baby to grow up so that it is born immunized is not better, because if the mother is infected with Covid-19 in the first or second trimester, it is not known what impact it will have. It is a risk for both the pregnant woman and the baby ”, adds the health worker.

Vaccination in pregnant women not only protects the mother, but is also a guarantee of safety for the baby: «The vaccine is a 2×1» , emphasizes Dr. Ignacio Salamanca. The serum protects the pregnant woman, and therefore the baby : either because by protecting the mother, her growing environment is protected, or because the child receives antibodies to face SARS-CoV-2.

Studies and trials have shown that the Covid-19 vaccine is effective and safe during pregnancy . Furthermore, logic and science reveal that the mechanism of action of serum does not pose an added risk, as occurs with live attenuated virus vaccines, not recommended during pregnancy. On the other hand, coronavirus vaccines have not registered side effects in pregnant women , different from those reported in non-pregnant women.

On the other hand, the doctor comments for this medium that the responses of mothers have been good: «We have not found pregnant women who are afraid to get vaccinated.» «They have understood the importance of their protection and that of the baby», which translates into «good vaccination data» in this population. Likewise, with respect to the trial in which the IHP participates, he emphasizes that «they want to participate, not only because of them, but for having more data in the future ”.

Fuente: Consalud

Sobre Aritz Monasterio

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