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Histórico Etiquetas: vaccine

The evidence of the role of vaccines in reducing the risk of ICU and death is reinforced

Each and every one of the vaccines against Covid-19 that are currently being inoculated have demonstrated their safety and efficacy in preventing severe disease and, therefore, contribute significantly to reducing the risk of hospital admission, ICU and death from Covid-19. A benefit that has not only been demonstrated in clinical trials involving tens of thousands of volunteers around the world, but ...

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Dismantling the arguments of the anti-vaccines: they neither cause autism, nor do they have graphene, nor are they dangerous

They use all kinds of «arguments», they deny scientific research and tend to believe that they have the absolute truth. Throughout these months of pandemic, deniers have spread a number of hoaxes and false information against Covid-19 , its origin, contagion prevention measures and, once the vaccination campaign has begun, also against serums ...

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France to sanction unvaccinated health professionals

The Prime Minister of France ,  Jean Castex , has assured that health professionals who are not immunized as of September 15 , the maximum date that was set, will be sanctioned . The politician justified this decision by referring to the cases of infections that have occurred in residences in recent times. «We will not go back,» Castex ...

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What do we know about the mortality rate of the Delta variant?

The Delta variant of SARS-CoV-2 (B.1.617.2, originally detected in India) is between 40-60% more transmissible than the Alpha variant (B.1.1.7, originally detected in the UK), and is it is also associated with an increased risk of hospitalization . Scientific evidence suggests that people infected with this variant have a higher viral load and that it requires a shorter ...

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Two independent studies reveal Moderna to be more effective against Delta than Pfizer

Moderna would be more effective than Pfizer against the Delta variant. While both sera protect against Covid-19, two independent studies have shown that US serum is more effective against the predominant variant , known as Delta or Indian , than Pfizer BioNTech’s vaccine. The first study, published in medRxiv analyzed over 50,000 patients from the Mayo Clinic and ...

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The Covid-19 vaccine in pregnant women is safe and effective: «A 2×1 that protects the mother and the baby»

A few days ago, both the Minister of Health, Carolina Darias , and the Andalusian Health Minister, Jesús Aguirre , among others, called on pregnant women to be vaccinated against Covid-19 due to the increase in the number of hospital admissions due to coronavirus reported among these women. ConSalud.es has spoken with the coordinator of the Research ...

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