sábado , 27 julio 2024
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Inicio / FISIOTERAPIA / Covid-19: The health professionals are not spared the fifth wave with more than 12,000 infections

Covid-19: The health professionals are not spared the fifth wave with more than 12,000 infections

The Ministry of Health publishes weekly the data of health professionals who have been infected with Covid-19 . Statistics show that although they are one of the most immunized groups, cases continue to be counted among them, as has happened with the population as a whole during the fifth wave of infections that took place in the summer months.

In fact, comparing the reports from the beginning of July and the end of August, it appears that there have been more than 12,000 health professionals who have fallen ill from SARS-CoV-2 in recent weeks. Specifically, between July 2 and August 27 , the last day with data confirmed by the autonomous communities, 12,016 cases of Covid-19 were counted among health personnel.

According to the latest Health report , the communities have reported a total of 95,043 cases of coronavirus among health professionals between May 11, 2020 and the same August 27, a period in which individuality information has been used.

If the aggregated information collected by the Ministry and the autonomous communities previously is added, from the first cases at the beginning of the pandemic and until May 10, 2020, when the system change was activated, the figure rises to 145,463 cases between toilets.

The most recent data indicate that in the last 14 days 1,719 professionals have been diagnosed with Covid-19 , while in the last week there have been 703. For its part, with the date of onset of symptoms in the last 14 days, the figure It is 1,048 infections and in the last seven days it is 350.


By  autonomous communities  , with the information collected since May last year, the one that has reported the most health personnel infected with coronavirus has been the  Valencian Community , with  14,313 . It is followed closely by Catalonia (14,101) and Andalusia (12,373), along with Castilla y León (9,315) and the Community of Madrid (7,654). Ceuta (123), Melilla (454) and the Basque Country (462) are the least affected.

Taking into account the scope of exposure of health personnel depending on the workplace, the  59,602  who belong to a  health center  , the 24,937 who work in a social health center and the 10,504 who are from another type of center stand out.

On the other hand, the Ministry of Health details which is the area in which this healthcare professional has probably been infected . Of those notified between May of last year and August of this,  16,668  health workers  have been infected with Covid-19  in  their  homes ; 12,860 did so in the health center, and 12,432 in the workplace.

Meanwhile, 9,133 were infected in a social health center; 2,166 in the social sphere (notified since November 17, 2020); and 126 in the school environment. In addition, 5,138 caught the virus in another space and from up to 36,520 health professionals the space in which they were infected is unknown.

Fuente: Consalud

Sobre Aritz Monasterio

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